Øget sikkerhed på campus: Bodycams forbedrer sikkerhed og tillid

Campus Safety Boost: Bodycams Improving Security and Trust A recent study at a UK university highlights how bodycams can enhance campus security, deter crime, and build trust between students and staff. Initially used by law enforcement, these devices are now being...

Uacceptabel stigning i vold mod personale i offentlig transport

Unacceptable Surge in Violence Against Public Transport Staff The alarming increase in violence against public transport staff demands urgent attention. Recent incidents, such as the violent assault on a Dutch NS conductor, highlight the escalating threats these...

Bedre event management med live-streaming af bodycams

Improving Event Management with Live-Streaming Bodycams Managing significant public events, such as concerts, sports games, and protests, poses significant challenges for law enforcement and security personnel. Integrating live streaming bodycams with traditional CCTV...

Bodycams til sikkerhedsinspektioner, kvalitetskontrol og compliance

Bodycams til sikkerhedsinspektioner, kvalitetskontrol og compliance I dagens hurtigt udviklende arbejdsmiljøer er det altafgørende at sikre overholdelse af sikkerhedsbestemmelser og opretholde kontrolstandarder af høj kvalitet. Det presserende behov understreges af...