Safer train station employees with ZEPCAM

Safer train station employees with ZEPCAM In the last couple of years, Dutch train station (NS) employees were seeing an increasing amount of violence directed towards their employees. New measures were necessary, including the introduction of bodycams. Which...

Safer traffic wardens with ZEPCAM

Case study: safer traffic wardens with ZEPCAM In the last couple of years, traffic wardens in the city of Jyväskylä, Finland were seeing a growing number of threatening incidents while carrying out their duties. Which challenges did traffic wardens face and what was...

Case study: Safer healthcare employees with ZEPCAM

Safer healthcare employees with ZEPCAM Security workers at the Leiden University Medical Centre (LUMC) receive an average of 300 reports of aggression a year (almost 1 per day). New measures are necessary, including the introduction of bodycams. Which challenges did...

How Finland is protecting parking inspectors with ZEPCAM bodycams

How Finland is protecting parking inspectors with ZEPCAM bodycams After being selected by more than 50 Dutch municipalities, ZEPCAM bodycams are also chosen by multiple local law enforcement officers in Finland. Finnish parking enforcers are the latest group to become...