
Think you know everything about bodycams? Brush up on your bodycam knowledge and check out our latest articles about the protection and support of frontline professionals.

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The Power of Combining CCTV and Bodycams 

The Power of Combining CCTV and Bodycams 

Integrating CCTV systems with body-worn cameras (bodycams) is emerging as a powerful strategy to enhance situational awareness, data accuracy, and overall safety. Organisations can achieve a more comprehensive and actionable understanding of incidents by combining the...

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ZEPCAM’s Latest Innovations: What You Need to Know

ZEPCAM’s Latest Innovations: What You Need to Know

This year, ZEPCAM has seen significant innovation. Our product line has introduced several exciting new features and updates, demonstrating our commitment to continuous improvement and cutting-edge technology. These advancements enhance usability, performance, and...

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ZEPCAM: Ensuring Privacy in Bodycam Solutions

ZEPCAM: Ensuring Privacy in Bodycam Solutions

Potential clients often express privacy concerns when implementing body-worn camera (BWC) solutions. It's crucial to address these uncertainties clearly and comprehensively to ensure that the benefits of using ZEPCAM's technology are fully realised without...

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The Psychological Impact of Body Cameras on Civilians

The Psychological Impact of Body Cameras on Civilians

While body cameras are indispensable tools used by frontline professionals in various sectors, they exert a profound influence on the mental state of those they record. In this blog, we'll delve into the psychological effects of body cameras in different contexts.The...

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ZEPCAM and Dutch National Railway Expand Partnership

ZEPCAM and Dutch National Railway Expand Partnership

ZEPCAM expands its partnership with Dutch National Railway, introducing a trial for conductors and service staff to use bodycams. This initiative, building on the success with security personnel, aims to enhance safety and incident management.    ...

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How Bodycams Amplify the Effectiveness of Special Forces

How Bodycams Amplify the Effectiveness of Special Forces

In the high-stakes arena of special operations, bodycams contribute significantly to operational success. These devices provide a real-time chronicle of events, enhancing situational awareness and decision-making under pressure. Moreover, they offer incontrovertible...

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Meeting GDPR Standards with Bodycams

Meeting GDPR Standards with Bodycams

Discover the legal essentials of introducing bodycams in your organisation, with a focus on GDPR compliance. Ensure your setup aligns with data protection standards for both Europe and your local jurisdiction. Introducing bodycams in your organization is about more...

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The Impact of AI on Bodycams and Video Surveillance

The Impact of AI on Bodycams and Video Surveillance

The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) into bodycams and video management systems marks a significant shift in the landscape of security and surveillance. This technology is not just about recording events as they happen; it's about analysing and...

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