Bodycam news

Catch up on the latest bodycam news, including our activities and partnerships centered around the protection and support of frontline professionals when it really matters.

Bodycams ZEPCAM round below
ZEPCAM’s Latest Innovations: What You Need to Know

ZEPCAM’s Latest Innovations: What You Need to Know

This year, ZEPCAM has seen significant innovation. Our product line has introduced several exciting new features and updates, demonstrating our commitment to continuous improvement and cutting-edge technology. These advancements enhance usability, performance, and...

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ZEPCAM and Dutch National Railway Expand Partnership

ZEPCAM and Dutch National Railway Expand Partnership

ZEPCAM expands its partnership with Dutch National Railway, introducing a trial for conductors and service staff to use bodycams. This initiative, building on the success with security personnel, aims to enhance safety and incident management.    ...

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