Think you know everything about bodycams? Brush up on your bodycam knowledge and check out our latest articles about the protection and support of frontline professionals.
The benefits of bodycams for healthcare and paramedics
The benefits of bodycams for healthcare include safety, GDPR compliant evidence, data security training and livestreaming opportunities.
The challenges of bodycam system implementation part 1: Security
There are key challenges of bodycam system implementation, one being security. Encryption, logging and role-based access all play a role.
The benefits of livestreaming bodycams for emergency rescue and response
Livestreaming bodycams for emergency rescue & response support improved communication and support from command posts to those in the field.
The 10 most popular articles in 2022
Research on the value of bodycams, the benefits for all sides and ZEPCAM customers successfully supported by the T2+ and T3 Live bodycams.
The benefits of bodycams for retail
Bodycams for retail have many benefits which help address industry challenges such as the safety of staff and the cost of crimes and theft.
How bodycams improve working conditions
Bodycams improve working conditions for many industries through the increased safety and confidence of staff, as well as direct support.
How livestreaming bodycams save lives
Livestreaming bodycams save lives through instant and efficient communication, resulting in fast support during critical moments.
The benefits of bodycams for firefighters
Bodycams for firefighters have been adopted worldwide to protect staff, gather evidence, communicate, train and evaluate processes.
The wider impact of aggression as investment case
Thousands of frontline professionals face verbal and physical aggression. The impact of aggression for the people, organisations, and industries dealing with this are enormous. Bodycams are part of the answer.