The 10 most popular bodycam articles in 2022

Brush up on all the bodycam news you may have missed! Research on the value of bodycams, the benefits for all sides and ZEPCAM customers successfully supported by the T2+ and T3 Live bodycams.

Bodycams ZEPCAM round below

The results of the cluster-randomised control trial shows a whopping 93% increase in the odds of conviction in cases of assault against police officers. As such bodycams increase conviction rates to a level nearly unheard of in courts worldwide. The study also found that bodycams have significant value in terms of evidence in other types of cases.

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bodycam news, new research bodycams increase conviction rates when officers are assaulted

HTM,  the public transport provider for the city of the Hague and the surrounding areas, has officially launched their own ZEPCAM bodycam solution.  The bodycams are an addition for their frontline professionals to de-escalate and prevent incidents. The bodycams help to increase the safety of staff and travelers, as well as to increase the amount and quality of evidence for prosecution when necessary.

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bodycam news, ZEPCAM bodycams for public transport officials, helping them with better interactions, more safety and evidence of wrongdoing

Employees in many frontline industries are calling for further implementation of bodycam solutions. This arises from the great success of bodycam programs in law enforcement, retail, healthcare, emergency services and more. With benefits such as increased safety, security and support, many industries are interested in acquiring bodycams for their own employees. Not only to protect staff, but to address the growing numbers of sick leave and burnouts, and to retain them long-term as happy, satisfied employees.

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bodycam news, bodycams help improve working conditions with more safety, better interactions and evidence when necessary

What has caused the U.K. to implement bodycams in so many industries, so fast? What are the most important factors for politicians and industry leaders, and what did they see was needed? Who uses bodycams in the U.K. and why do they use them? We dive into why the safety of frontline professionals and society, as well as transparency, is paramount in British society.

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bodycam news, the widespread use of bodycams in U.K. in healthcare, emergency services, police, politicians and technical services

Livestreaming bodycams are changing the way many organisations communicate with, and support their frontline professionals. In many cases, livestreaming bodycams save lives through instant and efficient communication, resulting in fast support during critical moments. Find out how police, emergency services and firefighters can help save lives with 4G livestreaming bodycams

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August 2022 marked the nationwide implementation of ZEPCAM bodycams for the Dutch National Rangers. Law enforcing employees are now protected by fully secure bodycam solutions that will help address organisational and societal challenges.

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bodycam new, the success of ZEPCAM bodycams for the Dutch national rangers with more safety and better interaction

86% of polled police officers in the Netherlands recently stated that bodycams offer a lot of added value to their job. Their experiences have been positive and researchers have further found that the use of bodycams is beneficial for many more operational needs than de-escalation and the prevention of aggression or abuse.

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bodycam news, new research conducted on bodycams show great benefits besides de-escalation

Many fire brigades in the Netherlands use the services of Spinel Veiligheidscentrum to train their firefighters for active duty. They differentiate by using ZEPCAM T2+ bodycams during training. Instructors found that bodycams improve training, evaluation of trainees and more.

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bodycam news- firefighters use ZEPCAM bodycams for training and evaluation

What can bodycams offer to law enforcement organisations worldwide in terms of preventing the need for weapons and violence? Who can benefit from bodycam systems? What other non-lethal policing tools are currently used and what are their results?

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bodycam news- bodycams as a non-violent technology for policing

Police region Mechelen-Willebroek was at the forefront of bodycam solution adoption in Belgium. The years since implementation have been full of positive experiences, making the bodycam fully accepted and praised by police officers for helping de-escalate rising tensions, providing clear objective evidence, and supporting their frontline reports.

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bodycam news, ZEPCAM Customer story- Belgian police
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