Bodycam news
Catch up on the latest bodycam news, including our activities and partnerships centered around the protection and support of frontline professionals when it really matters.
ParkerenDelft implements bodycams for safety and evidence collection
Parking enforcement officers and boa’s (local law enforcement) working in Delft, the Netherlands, have officially received their ZEPCAM T2+ bodycams this February. Officials and frontline staff hope the bodycams will increase safety and improve working conditions, as...
New! Automatic Redaction Software for ZEPCAM Manager
Automatic Redaction Software has been introduced for ZEPCAM Manager in the cloud. Intuitive, easy compliance to local privacy regulations.
Belgian police choose a ZEPCAM solution
This week officially marked the expansion of ZEPCAM in various Belgian police zones. Police zone Marlow, subject of our earlier customer story, expanded their ZEPCAM bodycam solution. Furthermore, police zone Kastze joined their colleagues as a new zone implementing a...
Aggression is endemic in many industries
In november 2021 Dutch aggression expert Caroline Koetsenruijter published her new book titled and translated into ‘The Aggression Paradise’. The findings of the book confirm that Dutch employees in many industries face endemic aggression and it is at an all time...
Accelerating bodycam procurement for immediate protection of local law enforcers
Yes it can be done: overcoming bureaucratic necessities with true leadership to get immediate protection and putting the safety of frontline professionals first. This has been proven by the mayor of Schagen personally ensuring that it took just one week from initial...
“The bodycam is my ideal companion on patrol”
New research published by the Catholic Research University of Leuven (KU Leuven) has found great support and positivity from Belgian police for the bodycam. Police in 14 districts that use the bodycams have overwhelmingly indicated their support, with police officers...
Bodycams for roadworks staff after rising incidents and aggression
Frontline professionals working on road construction for TBL Traffic (U.K.) will start wearing bodycams after a consistent rise in incidents. Bodycams for roadworks staff will reduce the number of incidents and escalations while they conduct crucial repairs.After many...
Hospitals increase security measures due to increasing incidents and aggression
Years of increasing aggression have led to calls for hospitals to implement new measures that will increase security, including bodycam systems. After positive outcomes from several pilots, bodycams are already used daily to increase safety and de-escalate incidents...
French National Parliament passes new law: all fire departments can now implement bodycam solutions
November 16th starts a growth phase for bodycam systems across France, as a new French law was approved by the Assemblée Nationale. After years of successful pilots in a limited number of regions, bodycams solutions are now available nationwide for all fire...