ZEPCAM partner Disseldorp Techniek: being proactive in sales and support is key!
Founded 15 years ago by the father Paul (61) and now managed by his son Danny (30), Disseldorp Techniek started with two-way radios and now successfully also supplies ZEPCAM bodycam systems to a range of different end customers in the Netherlands. The key elements of their approach? Be proactive with help in all steps, and to remove barriers with the right information and content wherever possible to save time to shorten the whole purchase process.
The municipality of Katwijk was Disseldorp Techniek’s first bodycam system customer in 2020. As the demand for bodycam systems by various sectors steadily increased since 2020, they are now a commonly accepted tool for all kinds of frontline professionals in the Netherlands. Within a space of two years, the tactics mentioned in this article have brought Disseldorp Techniek a lot of business success. They now have more than 65 organisations as customers ranging from private security to municipal police, from healthcare to training centres, from fire brigades to distribution centres.
The challenge: shortening lengthy purchase processes
A sales process to first time buyers can take months to finalise. There are several main obstacles that impact the lengthy purchasing process of organisations. Although the bodycam and video management system market has witnessed an explosion of interest, in many industries and countries it is still a ‘new’ technology. Many stakeholders do not yet know enough about the product to decide quickly.
Depending on the size of the organisation, many departments and decision makers influence the process and need to be proactively involved and provided with specific targeted information from the very start. Not only to those professionals and managers that are enthusiastic recipients of the benefits of bodycam systems, but also those gatekeepers in legal, ICT and finance that are concerned about the costs and risks. To prevent lengthy processes where many elements need to be discussed and accepted in series instead of in parallel.
Legal wants to be assured as bodycams record and livestream in the workspace or in public, privacy legislations are a major issue. Organisations also usually have a limited IT department or limited technological knowhow. And a challenge is to convince them to go for a more convenient and safe ZEPCAM Secure Server (Cloud) solution. And the finance department want to know upfront what to budget for the total cost of the bodycam system during its lifetime.
Proactively answering their issues saves the prospect a lot of time spent researching and building a knowledge base that will support the decision to purchase a bodycam solution. Last but definitely not least, having experienced and happy similar customer’s (stories) telling their positive experience and thereby endorsing the ZEPCAM solutions will be invaluable to the sales process. This is a great synergy between all ZEPCAM partners across the world getting en giving customer stories for and from their own customers in specific sectors.
The solution: be proactive and facilitate all the needs of an organisation
In order for a bodycam sales process to be successful, it is necessary to address all the steps and issues mentioned above proactively and completely. Create a complete informational basis on all the elements of a bodycam system form ZEPCAM, in that order. Such that first-time-buyer organisations do not need to spend time doing their own research. Not only does this shorten the process, it also shows a potential customer that your (partner) organisation is knowledgeable: a bodycam solutions expert!
To further facilitate a potential customer and its project-manager, create document, chart and tutorial templates ready to service all departments that are involved in the purchasing process. A transparent cost scheme for the finance department is crucial so that there are limited questions or loose ends. An IT department should be involved with content that easily transfers all the necessary knowledge about the systems, implementation and if necessary, integrations. Privacy, compliant and secure data management are usually very important topics for any organisation.
Data security and privacy compliance, especially GDPR, are important USP’s for ZEPCAM, and are very effective and convincing. ZEPCAM is the only large bodycam systems provider with headquarters in the E.U. and server options in any country that the customer requires. The European GDPR is the strictest and most comprehensive set of data security and privacy protection laws existing in the world today. ZEPCAM as an E.U. based company and systems complies to all regulations of the GDPR including the verdict resulting in the Schremms II court case. Customer stories, successes and referrals further influence your sales process. With happy existing customers to confirm what you say, you can more easily convince new organisations to implement a ZEPCAM bodycam solution.
It is of course desirable to link your information to trusted sources, in order to build trust, as well as increase your organisation’s authority on these topics. To convince potential customers of the benefit of ZEPCAM Secure Server (cloud) solutions, several important reasons can be provided:
- IT departments spend significantly less time and money to set-up and maintain a ZEPCAM Secure Server (cloud) solution
- Potential customers can access ZEPCAM Manager at any time or place, with any device
- It complies with the strictest set of data protection laws existing in the world today, the GDPR
- Support is available at a distance, leading to easy and quick fixes if something would occur.
- There is a secure back-up of all customer data
One further strategy is to start small, and start what is called the snowball effect. If many small organisations implement a ZEPCAM bodycam solution, even if the numbers are small, then you are actively creating a base of experienced and happy users. They will be invaluable for reeling in the bigger customers. Keeping contact alive through periodic offers of support, or to provide demonstrations, is also of crucial importance. Offering free testing of ZEPCAM products can be a great asset to your organisation’s approach. Be present, be active throughout the sales process and offer help wherever, whenever.
“It is essential to keep good contact, support their purchasing process, be patient and most importantly to believe in the ZEPCAM solutions! By being available, offering assistance and proactively giving answer to a customer’s challenges, you can greatly accelerate the sales process.”
-Danny Disseldorp | Disseldorp Techniek
Results: a trusted position and shortened purchasing processes.
Facilitating all the needed elements can greatly increase the success rate of your sales. Not only does it influence trust in your organisation, it strengthens your authority of bodycam technology. Continuous contact and support can greatly reduce the time necessary for decision making. After all, if a potential customer has all the relevant information, much less action, research or time is required for a sale. Offering information with links to research, local laws and success stories creates trust and confidence in the ZEPCAM bodycam solution. Within a space of two years, this approach has led Disseldorp Techniek to great success, with more than 65 organisations as customers.
Keys to success:
- Address a potential customer’s challenges and provide an answer to these challenges with ZEPCAM bodycam solutions
- Be patient but proactive: facilitate all the issues of a potential customer
- Supply potential customers with documentation, research, local laws and anything else they might need for a smooth purchasing process
- Offer ready made customer stories from Zepcam.com to show how happy experienced customers (peers) are with ZEPCAM products, or use your existing customers’ experiences to convince prospects.
- Keep contact to check their progress on the key issues.
- Focus on the unique selling points of ZEPCAM such as GDPR compliance
- Offer focused and timeboxed free testing of ZEPCAM bodycam solutions
- Believe in the ZEPCAM solution as answer to their challenges!